Livermore Airport noise
Several neighborhoods near Livermore Airport are affected by noise from small / trainer aircraft. This has been a long standing issue, with multiple complaints filed by residents with the airport , city and FAA. We thought a different approach, one where hard evidence is shared - like actual noise measurements / flight paths and trends, would make for a much stronger case when bringing this issue up with the Airport and city.
Why excessive aircraft noise is hamful
Noise pollution adversely impacts the lives of people in multiple ways, that does not just include health, but in other ways as well.
Effect to health
Studies have shown that there are direct links between noise and health: sleep disturbance, stress and anxiety, social annoyance, cognitive impairment and many others.
Work and Schools
Post pandemic, working from home has become more common, several companies are in fact fully remote. Overhead airplane noise make calls / meetings, and focusing a lot harder. Same holds true for students at schools in the vicinity.
Lead pollution
On 10/1823 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its final determination that emissions of lead from aircraft that operate on leaded fuel cause or contribute to air pollution which may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health and welfare under the Clean Air Act.
Home values
Approximately 300K people across 3 cities are impacted by noise from Livermore Airport. The negative impact of aircraft noise on home values is well established. Unfortunately the location of the airport impacts not only Livermore, but Dublin and Pleasanton residents as well
Daily reports
Find below daily reports produced by Skyradr receiver.

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